Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bad Parking Day

Hall 11 is a freakin difficult place to park. This is the “carpark” (pardon my lousy drawing skill on mouse):

It’s not exactly a carpark but cars normally park around the the grassy roads here. As you can see there are limited lots (not in picture but 3 nia...) and only for the hall fellows. Note also that the roads are not very wide, enuf for only 2 cars abreast. Both roads lead to dead ends so not very easy to navigate when you are stuck at the end, gotta “many-point-turn” to get out. Really quite cramp.

Incident One:
On a bright and sunny day, I arrive at hall 11, once again, to nap at hang’s hall since I have quite a few hours’ break. There’s an orange yaris parked at the entrance of a dead end road. (The yellow car is a orange toyota yaris but I cant find any top view of orange cars online. The orange yaris is always there so it’s worth mentioning.) Since it’s a dead end and there are no cars behind, I assumed that I can safely park beside the yaris without blocking anyone. (I’m the white picanto.)

When I was leaving the hall, I was stopped by an uncle (the janitor, I think). He said I should park along side so that that road can house 3 or 4 more cars, and so he can park his lorry there. Ok, I admit, my fault. I said sorry and left.

Incident Two:
On another bright and sunny day, the white picanto is back in hall 11 again. This time yuwei drove. I told him bout the parking incidents so he parked here:

The place I parked the last time was actually a slope. As a typical driver, we are all reluctant to park on slopes, you know, in case you did not pull the handbrake properly and the car rolls back. Also because our car is manual drive so more difficult to engage the gear when moving off later if we left it on upward-sloping ground. BUT when yuwei was leaving, a hall fellow stopped him and said he was blocking the heavy vehicles from coming in to the construction site. True true, our fault again. He said sorry and left.

Incident Three:
On a not so bright and sunny day, I arrive at hall 11 again. The orange yaris was there again. In order to not block the heavy vehicles, and not block cars that are going to park along the side, I parked here:

Yes, so I parked in front of the orange yaris that was parked along the slope. Amazingly, the space he left in front of him fitted mine nicely. Heh heh. Not blocking heavy vehicles, not blocking other cars, not so deep into the sloping dead end =)

Just when I was leaving… this blue car (did not notice car model) came along and parked here:

Wah uncle so bad, block the car behind. Should I ask him to shift? Haiyah nevermind la, not blocking me. Perhaps he’s not staying for long.. So I left…

After a couple of hours, I came down and found a piece of drawing paper on my windscreen, with thick black marker ink saying


(All the other cars had miraculously disappeared. Poor me, all alone with a piece of drawing block.)

Not me fault!!! There's no where else to park in hall 11 unless you dont mind walking a-blk-and-a-canteen-away to the proper lots. And i mind walking so far! Also, how can you say I have no common sense. Booo.. I understand that it can be very frustrating when your car is stuck and you need to get to lessons or wat have you (*quote mrs tian), but still, cannot anyhow say people no common sense! and it wasnt even my fault =(

I turned the paper around and wrote the whole story of how the uncle in blue (car) came along and park beside me AFTER I parked. Yes, and I did sign off as "the car in front of you". Hang promised to put the paper back on that orange yaris for me when it’s back at night.

Then I went for lessons, feeling so misunderstood and pissed, and yet I had to attend this boring lesson about database systems. Cannot find parking lot anywhere. Too pissed to drive around. Anyhow parked. Just when I kindof forgot about the unfriendly msg on the drawing block, stups yuqin had to ask me this question. “What if I don’t have the COMMON SENSE to identify the entities in exams?”

COMMON SENSE AGAIN! Grrr… and auntie lim you better not get an orange yaris next time.

Bad parking day.. (you know, like bad hair day..)

Anyway it happened quite a few days ago and Hang just called to update me bout the yaris. She finally found it! Parked somewhere near the crime scene.

Yay the driver will finally hear my side of the story. Thank you hang for helping (she asked for an explicit thank you, for checking out the hall 11 parking lots at least twice a nite for the past few days). Not my fault k. and I think I have quite some (not alot, but still not bad) common sense k.

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