Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Sims 2 Castaway II

Special entry on The Sims 2 Castaway for psp regarding common questions asked/problems faced when playing the game.. Note: the game may be different if playing on a different console.

1. How many islands are there?
There are 3 islands in total, Shipwreck Island, Airplane Island and Volcano Island.

Shipwreck Island - First Beach, Deep Jungle Pier Island, Shipwreck Lagoon

Airplane Island - West Beach, Airplane Jungle, Dark Cave, Skull Rock Jungle, West River Plains, East River Plains, South River Jungle, East Beach, Hidden Lagoon, Pirates Cove

Volcano Island - South Volcano Beach, Volcano Jungle, Geyser Plains, North Volcano Jungle, North Volcano Beach, Temple, Temple Exterior, Volcano Summit, Volcano Overlook, Tidal Pool, Ancient Theater, Crystal Island

It's rather easy to figure out how to cross the islands so I shall not elaborate on it.

2. How to meet other crewmates? How to increase social ratings?
I cannot say this for sure, but for my game I could only find crewmates on the second island, probably because I had only 2 other crewmates. Dont worry about searching for them on the second island, they will just appear.

Other than socialising with crewmates, your sim can also increase their social skill by interacting with chimps. By befriending chimps, you can even ask them to gather food/resources for you. The fastest way to make a chimp your friend is to give him a banana, entertain, entertain, hug, and hug. If you happen to ignore a chimp when it returns with resouces, just hug him again and he will go on collecting stuff for you.

3. How to shower when I cant build any shower facilities?
Just go for a swim! Swim meaning your sim must be doing some stokes or at least trapping water. If you're waist-deep in the water but standing, the hygiene bar will not get any greener.

4. If your game is stuck and you cant progress beyond the Dark Cave on the second island, the path is in the dark cave. There'll be a path with an explore sign (the footprints) to the right of the 3 pools in the middle of the cave. The path will lead up to Skull Rock Jungle.

When entering a new region of the game for the first time, you will need to fill up the energy bar to the max (dark green). If you find that you cant cross to the new region even when your bar is almost full, then it's time to build to new bed.

5. I dont know if it's a bug with my game data or it's the game but there limited number of items to build in an area, even when I've deleted some items built previously. And when you delete an item, you dont get back money like in the Sims 2. You dont even get back the resources put in =\ What you can do is when you decide to move your "home" to a new area, keep everything you have in your inventory (everything except shelters, walls etc. can be kept), build whatever you new things you want to build in the new area, then take the things out from your inventory. There are no max cap for the amount of things you can take out from your inventory.

6. How to increase mechanical skill?
You will have to craft many many many things eg clothes or light the fire many many many times. If you run out of things to craft and still haven hit the mechanical skill required, try gathering sisal and crafting twines and ropes. They'll come to use when building bridges later.

I would suggest you begin with a doctor sim because that will give you one logic skill and one mechanical skill to start with. The rest of the skills are rather easy to gather along the game.

7. How to fish/catch chicken using traps?
To fish, go to an area along the beach that has a pool of fish (similar to when you want to spear fishes) and set a fish trap. To catch chicken, leave a chicken trap over area that you can find chicken feathers or chicken feed. To successfully catch something in both traps, you will have to leave the traps there long enough. Fish traps takes at least half a day but try to check on them at least once every 2 days. Else the waves will destroy them. Chicken traps takes at least a day.

Oh and to spear fishes, click on stab once you see a fish leap. For fishing using pole, reel in after you see 2 or 3 tugs on your pole.

8. How to hunt a boar?
Boars are most commonly found on the third island in the Geyser Plains. However, there are reports of boars on East River Plains and East Beach as well. To hunt the boar, you must follow it around and irritate it with a spear in hand. It might leave the screen though and if it does, find another boar and try again. It's easier to get the boar to attack if you can get it cornered. You can also try to lure it by leaving food out, or by building a garden and not fencing it in. Most importantly, you must have very very high (almost, if not 10) body skill to successfully hunt the boar.

Once it attacks you, you will see a brown dust of cloud. If you win, you will receive some leather, some boar tusks, and a ham.

9. How to find/make dye?
I haven found out how to make dye but I do know that if you can send a sim that you're not controlling to go gather resources, he/she may return to home with some. To send a sim to collect resources, set up a home tiki (available in one of the options at a fire pit), then make a sim sign up for the job "collect resources", feed the sim well and make him happy, then control another sim in the tribe. The happy sim will have nothing to do except to "work", which is to collect resources. Hopefully he'll return with some dye. Mine returned with black, blue and red dyes on 3 occasions.

Another way is to ask chimps to gather resources for you. (Refer to point 2 above)

10. The Sims 2 Castaway Hacks
I haven got the chance to try out the hacks, my gamesave got corrupted when i'm halfway thru the third island =( So be careful when you're using mods with outdated firmware! I was so upset that I deleted the hack codes that I found online =\

If you want to search for some hacks, try searching for the keyword "gnome hack". Cant exactly remember the hack's name but it's suppose to give you alot of resources. Update me if you tried.. Other than this, there are very limited hacks regarding The Sims 2 Castaway on psp.

Lastly, if you need a more specific guideline (not hacks) to the game, you can find it here:

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Bad Parking Day

Hall 11 is a freakin difficult place to park. This is the “carpark” (pardon my lousy drawing skill on mouse):

It’s not exactly a carpark but cars normally park around the the grassy roads here. As you can see there are limited lots (not in picture but 3 nia...) and only for the hall fellows. Note also that the roads are not very wide, enuf for only 2 cars abreast. Both roads lead to dead ends so not very easy to navigate when you are stuck at the end, gotta “many-point-turn” to get out. Really quite cramp.

Incident One:
On a bright and sunny day, I arrive at hall 11, once again, to nap at hang’s hall since I have quite a few hours’ break. There’s an orange yaris parked at the entrance of a dead end road. (The yellow car is a orange toyota yaris but I cant find any top view of orange cars online. The orange yaris is always there so it’s worth mentioning.) Since it’s a dead end and there are no cars behind, I assumed that I can safely park beside the yaris without blocking anyone. (I’m the white picanto.)

When I was leaving the hall, I was stopped by an uncle (the janitor, I think). He said I should park along side so that that road can house 3 or 4 more cars, and so he can park his lorry there. Ok, I admit, my fault. I said sorry and left.

Incident Two:
On another bright and sunny day, the white picanto is back in hall 11 again. This time yuwei drove. I told him bout the parking incidents so he parked here:

The place I parked the last time was actually a slope. As a typical driver, we are all reluctant to park on slopes, you know, in case you did not pull the handbrake properly and the car rolls back. Also because our car is manual drive so more difficult to engage the gear when moving off later if we left it on upward-sloping ground. BUT when yuwei was leaving, a hall fellow stopped him and said he was blocking the heavy vehicles from coming in to the construction site. True true, our fault again. He said sorry and left.

Incident Three:
On a not so bright and sunny day, I arrive at hall 11 again. The orange yaris was there again. In order to not block the heavy vehicles, and not block cars that are going to park along the side, I parked here:

Yes, so I parked in front of the orange yaris that was parked along the slope. Amazingly, the space he left in front of him fitted mine nicely. Heh heh. Not blocking heavy vehicles, not blocking other cars, not so deep into the sloping dead end =)

Just when I was leaving… this blue car (did not notice car model) came along and parked here:

Wah uncle so bad, block the car behind. Should I ask him to shift? Haiyah nevermind la, not blocking me. Perhaps he’s not staying for long.. So I left…

After a couple of hours, I came down and found a piece of drawing paper on my windscreen, with thick black marker ink saying


(All the other cars had miraculously disappeared. Poor me, all alone with a piece of drawing block.)

Not me fault!!! There's no where else to park in hall 11 unless you dont mind walking a-blk-and-a-canteen-away to the proper lots. And i mind walking so far! Also, how can you say I have no common sense. Booo.. I understand that it can be very frustrating when your car is stuck and you need to get to lessons or wat have you (*quote mrs tian), but still, cannot anyhow say people no common sense! and it wasnt even my fault =(

I turned the paper around and wrote the whole story of how the uncle in blue (car) came along and park beside me AFTER I parked. Yes, and I did sign off as "the car in front of you". Hang promised to put the paper back on that orange yaris for me when it’s back at night.

Then I went for lessons, feeling so misunderstood and pissed, and yet I had to attend this boring lesson about database systems. Cannot find parking lot anywhere. Too pissed to drive around. Anyhow parked. Just when I kindof forgot about the unfriendly msg on the drawing block, stups yuqin had to ask me this question. “What if I don’t have the COMMON SENSE to identify the entities in exams?”

COMMON SENSE AGAIN! Grrr… and auntie lim you better not get an orange yaris next time.

Bad parking day.. (you know, like bad hair day..)

Anyway it happened quite a few days ago and Hang just called to update me bout the yaris. She finally found it! Parked somewhere near the crime scene.

Yay the driver will finally hear my side of the story. Thank you hang for helping (she asked for an explicit thank you, for checking out the hall 11 parking lots at least twice a nite for the past few days). Not my fault k. and I think I have quite some (not alot, but still not bad) common sense k.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sonic Rivals

When you boot up Sonic Rivals, you would not be disappointed by the sleek menu layout, quick load times, and very very pretty graphics. On psp, Sonic Rivals attempts to blend traditional 2D gameplay with impressive new 3D graphics, unlike on nintendo consoles where the game stayed strictly in 2D territory. Still, it seems like Sonic does best when trapped in two dimensions. The trademark Sonic features are in the game, but poor design choices hold back the game from being as good as it can be. The game manages to emulate the feel of the original games very well, especially in the first set of levels, as you run around green checkered levels. Also impressive is the sense of speed, and the dynamic camera angles. Sometimes, the camera will move at an angle, attempting to make Sonic's journey through the world even more dramatic. While there is still some framerate slowdown, and blocky backgrounds at times, the game's fantastic color palette and speed really make it an eye-catcher. The controls themselves feel very much like old-school Sonic, and that's a good thing.

The levels are designed to have multiple paths, and at the blistering speed that the characters can reach at times, decisions will have to be made in a split second. Alternate paths will whizz by, and it is interesting to think that you can take a completely different approach to a level. It is very rewarding when you manage to discover a whole new way of racing through a level. One of the surprisingly nicest additions to this game are the boost areas where you press circle to dash forward, or x to jump up. It is simple, but learning to make the right choice at a moment's notice will certainly take some practice, and some memorization. The later levels come up with challenges that revolve around simply pressing the right button, and it is strangely satisfying. Another great aspect of the game are the boss fights. Although the encounters are short, they change up the formula slightly, and usually take place within a circular arena. It's your goal to land successful hits on top of the enemy's weak point, and the obstacles that prevent you from doing this easily can be engaging.

Although there are many great classic Sonic elements in the game, players will find themselves frustrated at many other poorly executed designs in the game. Firstly, the story is absolutely ridiculous, and actually detracts from the experience more than it helps. Dr. Eggman (instead of Robotnik!) for one reason or another has a camera with the ability to transform any photographed object into a card, and through sequences of awfully written dialogue, you race as one of four characters to stop him. The four characters (Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, and Silver) all have their own stories, but they are absolutely painful to go through. Thankfully, the text explaining the story is very short, and can be quickly skipped. For some reason, it appears that the character you choose has no choice but to win in a race through the levels. This is the core premise of the game, and it is where many of the game's flaws become apparent. Each level is supposed to be a race, yet it will rarely feel like you are interacting with a character. The great branching levels in the game actually make it difficult for you to ever really be near your rival. This immediately removes a sense of competitiveness, and it also gets rid of any fairness. In later levels, you will find that a significant lead that you build over a character can mysteriously disappear. Characters will seemingly speed past you, and there is no way for you, as the player, to know why or how. There are power-ups throughout the level that can be used against your foes and, theoretically, this will allow players that are trailing to catch up to the leader. Unfortunately, you rarely see the effects of your mischief. However, if you get hit by a power-up, prepare to be annoyed; the effects can be severely race-destroying, as they send you to a crawl, which last for a fair amount of time. It is certainly not fun to get hit while racing up a hill. Not only does the power-up make you lose time, but you'll find yourself unable to progress further, without backtracking a bit too gain momentum yet again.

Still, with enough practice (me and yuqin was stuck at a particular stage for more than 5 races!) and memorization, any level can become entertaining, even with the dodgy racing system in place. You will find yourself choosing better routes through levels, boosting better, attacking more efficiently, and getting higher rankings at the end as a result. The game encourages repetition quite a bit, as the four different story modes go through the same levels, with no difference in how they play. All the characters control exactly the same, and with the exception of inconsequential signature move that each character possesses, there is no difference in playing as one of the characters. Although there are collectible "cards" that players are vouching for, with only one additional playable character and some bonus outfits available as rewards, there's not much incentive to collect the 150 cards. With slightly over a dozen levels, this game certainly won't last anyone a very long time. There are other modes, but they offer nothing new or interesting to the single player formula. Hopefully it is better when I try out the network mode with yuqin.. soon..

Circuit Cup looks to alleviate some of the problems with its out-of-order track selection, but one circuit requires advancement within Challenge Mode for access. Through its specific conditions for victory, Challenge Mode represents the biggest flaw of the game. Given its fast-paced and frantic nature, attaining a certain number of rings, attacking an opponent a certain number of times, or beating a level under a preset time will take numerous tries. That's good for replay value, but hiding a quality mode behind arbitrary goals and forcing players to repeatedly play through a level in their quest for variety doesn't indicate an intelligent design decision.

Sonic Rivals builds potential for a great return to true Sonic form. If Sega approached the series with this engine and removed the racing aspect, Sonic fans would have a true gem of a game to celebrate. However, Sonic Rivals is merely an frustratingly entertaining romp that's a bit too short for its own good.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories

Rockstar did a great job of pulling off the same experience that we are used to and love from the full console releases. And better yet they managed to fit it on an UMD making it fast and easy to download. While the load times in GTA: Liberty City Stories are obviously not as brief as you would expect from the ps2, the load times are still fairly quick and you aren’t left at long loading screens. Again I’ve got to give the makers credit for creating probably the best free roaming action games to ever hit a handheld system. And if you are like me, who loves the GTA series, then you will love this continuation of the story. Though the storyline may seem mundane in much of Liberty City Stories, it still manages to carry on Toni Cipriani’s story, even though the cut scenes leave much to be desired. However if you are new to the GTA series, the story will still make sense and not knowing the story won’t hold you back in the game in anyway.

If you stick to the missions and not mess around too much, you can finish the story mode in 10-12 hrs. But the deceptive game progress counter will only report around 40% completion. The game has some rampage side missions and the standard pizza delivery, vigilante, taxi service, and ambulance missions, too. You can seek out ringing pay phones to get into street races. You can report to car lots to sell cars or motorcycles by test-driving vehicles for prospective consumers. And, of course, there are 100 hidden packages to find. If you get into all this optional stuff, there's a lot more city to see, and plenty of different cars to see it in. The radio stations are still one of the most entertaining features; the djs and commercials are as hilarious as ever.

Where Rockstar falls short is in the gameplay. Missions are usually one tiered and do not offer that much variety. The psp’s weak controller scheme makes taking out a large number of enemies far from pleasant, and you would be better off picking off targets from a distance which makes you miss the fun of the fire fights we have grown to love from the previous installments of the GTA series. But the lock-on target aiming functionality does help a little. Also, the game's mission path does not deviate into crazy territory, and most of the characters are fairly lifeless. This dulls the game's personality, preventing its characters and events from becoming as memorable as we have come to expect from GTA games and their excellent storylines.

Overall, GTA: Liberty City Stories is a well put together game and is a must have for any GTA fan.

Also, check out the links on the right! All you need to know about psp, and a couple of coool sites hahaha. Tagboard coming up, upon jiakai's request..

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Sims 2 Castaway

Huichuan suggested that we (me and yuwei) can buy Wii so we can exercise while gaming, since all we do is game muhahaha. Ok we'll do it, when we get that desparate.. I'll jus stick to psp for now. My HotBod plan will never come true boo hoo hoo..

I've always enjoyed controling pple's life and dictating wat shld/shld not be done. and hence Sims has always been one of my favourite games. Played a little of Sims Pets but not very fun. So moved on to Sims 2 Castaway =) The basic principle of the game is that you are castaway on an island. You'll have to try to discover the other islands arnd, so that you can escape and tell the story of your amazing adventures.

The game starts with creating the characters/crew on board; as usual, it's pretty bland choosing hairstyle, clothes (which they are going to lose soon), names (the same old Newbie or Goth) etc. The adventure begins on a very simply named beach called First Beach, and you know the meaning behind it. In fact, every single part of the maps has a dead simple reason connected to it. The game has a basic story, to survive, and the books provide more of one, but how you play the game is up to you. Your first step away from the beach is in the brambles towards the forest, which rips you clothes, and the tears look incredible, along with hair miracously growing while going through brambles. Sims pick many berries/veges/fruits to live, as well as gather many many drift/hard/soft wood for shelter. Befriending the chimps on the islands increases social rating fly and speeds up gathering process. Don't try to look for the rest of the crewmate on the first island, i tried, but to no avail. (probably because I only have 2 other crew mates =\) There is an incredible amount of stuff to do on the islands (three islands in all), such as building rafts or canoes to get to all islands. And you can flick back to any island as easy as a boat. Neither storm nor fire will destroy you boat, which is very good if you don’t want to waste resources re-building them though. And to increase mechanical skill (the most tedious part), you will have to craft many many things and light the fire many many times. It will be good to start your Sim as a doctor or mechanic..

The biggest difference between this and other Sims games is that players have to construct everything their Sims desire or need. Money is nonexistent in the game, forcing players to search for and gather the actual materials that are needed to make everything. If you want a bed or a shower, you had better be ready to chop down some bamboo, trees, vines, and everything else you might need in real life. There are no frame rate issues; it isn’t the fastest frame rate of the Sims games yet, although it is a very steady one. The load times are very short and decorative as well, no loading time apart from start up times, should last more than 15 seconds.

The biggest complaint with the game is how boring and repetitive the Sims' action animations can be. We will have to wait while your Sims perform each of their given tasks before moving on to assign another task. Watching your Sims construct an item or hack a tree has a certain novelty to it the first time you see it, but becomes tedious as you do it over and over. Ohwells, there are always pros and cons to everything.

If you need a game walkthrough or strategy guide, it's here.

Jiakai's leaving for Paris in 3 days' time! Met up many many many times with her over the week, since we're common frens in different cliques hah. Dear khaiqing is already in Bristol and dear gracie macie already in somewhere in Sweden (i forgot where exactly, opsy). Yup, both nicely settled. I miss my frens! they're so far away frm me. not that we meet up very often, but the feeling of them being far away for SOOooo long (6 mths is long k).. wierd =\ Anyway i have clocks to track the their timezone! Everyone can go checkout, they have really cool designs..

Have fun and be well, friends! =)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars

I finally get to play network-ed games on psp. We tried our best on DJ Max2 but due to the limited ability, we can only play songs that are below lvl 5, which is like abt 6 songs? hahahha.. too lousy. I'm glad yuqin got her console now, during our slack semester haha. more network gaming coming up!

Tried Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars. You can choose to play Crazy Taxi or Crazy Taxi 2. Haven tried 2 before but 1 was exactly the same as the PC one. I guess 2's the same as 2 on PC ba. The goal is to control one of four different cabbies and drive around the city picking up customers and getting them to their desired location. The more knowledge you have of the streets, the faster you can get your passenger to their destination, and the more you can earn. Speed plays a big factor. Also, the more crazy combos (drifting, jumping, squeezing between vehicles on the streets) you make, the more your passengers enjoy themselves, the fatter their tips. You can even steal passengers from other cabbies by bumping your opponent's car creating chaotic competition on the road! Navigating through traffic, hills, and obstacles isn't easy; it reallie takes a skilled cabbie with no fear to earn the big bucks.

Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars offers a few different single player modes, including the mission-based arcade mode (where good drivers earn time bonuses), and time trial mode (where drivers collect the highest fares possible in the time allowed). There is also training modes where drivers can record and save game-play replays of their driving performance in Crazy Taxi 2. Overall what you get with this title is a good old classic game. The graphics and controls are not cutting it in this day but it doesn't reallie affect the game. If you were a fan of the original then you will enjoy this game, like I do.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

DJ Max Portable 2

I'm too lousy to handle the dropping bars in DJ Max Portable 2 alone with only 2 hands, so I've been playing the game either together with yuqin or hang, you know, each taking a few buttons muahhaha. I dunno wat's the difference between DJ Max and DJ Max Poratble, or DJ Max 1 and 2. Probably jus different songs huh..

Take the position as DJ and attempt to hit the correct buttons (from 4-6 keys) at the right time to complete the song. With more than 50 tracks of different genres to choose from, every music game fan should find a tune of his taste. There are several options available too, such as speed & fader adjustment, mirror mode selection and more. After completion of a song, you will receive a summary of your performance, including a combo & break counter, rating and score. New tracks and items can be unlocked as you progress in level. Special missions link 3 songs together and you'll have to hit a certain score, or maintain a certain % of accuracy to pass the missions. Haven tried the network battle mode, waiting for yuqin's psp to arrive on MONDAY! yay~

Overall, the game's quite kinetic and rather forgiving for early or late button presses. But those seeking out a challenge need not worry as well; the game is definitely hard enough. In fact, even on the easiest of difficulty settings, the game mounts incredible pressure on the player, with multiple bars scrolling down at once that become hard to keep track of.

Button mashings are not an option as it will only ruin your enjoyment of the song. Unlike some music-based games, each button in the game plays the sound of the notes and button mashings will create distorted flows of the songs and it will only end up ruining the song, though it's still possible to pass the stage itself. Still, it's not just play to get a rank, but to feel and play along with a song.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Diner Dash

Been playing Diner Dash, kindly sponsored by yuqin. There's been qte alot of different versions arnd by now (Diner Dash 2, Diner Dash 3, Diner Dash Hometown Hero etc.) but yuqin only managed to get the very very first version of diner dash. Well, better than nothing. And it's only for less than 10 bucks.

The game is about Flo, a former stock-broker, building her new diner career. The flow of the game is rather simple; customers enter, you seat them at appropriate tables, take their order, bring them their food, take them their check, and finally clear the table. Happy customers, indicated by the length of the row of hearts, earns you more tips, which means more equipment, and eventually, more restaurants.
Customers wear different coloured outfits. To earn bonus points, you need to sit a new customer dressed in the same colour as the previous customer over the empty slots, so increase customers' happiness.

First part of the game was ok, but after level 2, the challenge increases significantly through a series of new game wrinkles. You will have to juggle a lot while serving customers. Customers don't like to wait for anything and you'll have to give them a free drinks to buy a little extra time before the row of hearts dissappear one by one. The queue gets longer and longer; you will have to stand at a podium near the queue to keep customers happy. By level 5, customers can ask for different snacks when looking at menu or dining, and Flo needed an extra pair of hands to handle them.

The game g0t frustrating when I was a little stuck at level 2-10, 3-4, and now 5-6. I'm still stuck at 5-6. The queue is ridiculous, and i'm suppose to "find the right rhythm" to serve them cos they appear in batches. But the customers dine at different speed! Will find the "right rhythm" soon =\ Then i can complete the game, return it to yuqin, and start mugging.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Spongebob Squarepants: The Yellow Avenger

Hello. This is my first entry. Today is my birthday, how boring. I'm another year older *screams and freaks out*

I dunno wat's going on in 304 seminar and 306 lecture. The seminar sounds like 205 and i dunno if i shld be glad the fierce-and-like-to-anyhow-arrow-pple lecturer is not teaching this sem anymore. I bet he got complains for shouting and scolding in lectures. The new lecturer is supposedly "very nice", but cant teach. So hard to satisfy everyone. Like how they changed the shuttle bus routes in school 4 times since when i'm year 1.

Anyways, i recently completed spongebob squarepants: the yellow avenger on psp. Looks childish at first, but reallie qte fun haha. It's about spongebob trying to remove the dirty bubbles in bikini bottom cos the superheros were too old to do so (I know, sounds lame). Plenty of things to jump onto and plenty of quests to complete.

The citizens run arnd with red bubbles flying about their heads and jumping on them knocks off the bubbles, but if they hit you you'll lose a bit of life in the process. Even better, the citizens will all be back if you leave an area and come back to it. So expect to be jumping on heads by the hundreds. And then there's the squeezing of jellyfish jelly that you can store for extra game life. I'm not exactly good in controlling spongebob arnd, gotta squeeze every single jellyfish i see. There's also plenty of floating bottles, moving platforms, and conveyor belts to jump on. It's all abt jumping arnd =\

There's lots and lots and lots of backtracking involved in the quests and much of it can't be skipped. Qte a few new areas are opened up by super powers that SpongeBob picks up along the way and these are the more interesting parts since each power is started on a special pad on the grnd and activates for only a limited time. But still, way too much of the time SpongeBob's being the errand boy and most of the game is running back and forth to find every knickknack and doodad that others have lost.

The biggest challenge is in figuring out where the quest items are. The game rarely gives many clues and i'm not exactly a fan of the cartoon to *lightbulb lights above head* come up with an idea of where someone's house or job is. Yes, once again, i cheated a searched for game walkthru online. Even though it got reallie boring towards to end when i had to go back to the same few places all over again but still, jus cant leave an incomplete game lying there.

I nv knew the characters in spongebob cartoon before this. I think i can name 90% of them all now. And it's amazing how the game looks exactly like the cartoon, even the homes! Like sandy's home, a big jar with green grass and an exercise wheel hahaha. And this game got yuqin gian on psp. Her red psp slim's on the way, subject to jingwan's approval.